We have 180 Colors of KatSilk®Doll Hair, Doll Repair and Restoration Kits for vintage pink fashion dolls, barbie dolls, and friends.

We also have the Doll Hair Rerooting DVD to Reroot Doll Your Dolls, Joint Repair Kits, KatSilk®Doll Paint, and much more!

New Product: KatSilk® Nylatex Doll Hair skeins at a very attractive price of just $5.00.

New Product: KatSilk® Nylon Doll Hair!!!

KatSilk® Nylon Doll Hair is just $2.25 per skein

Original KatSilk® Saran®Doll Hair like your Doll orginally came with

Always insist on Genuine KatSilk® Brand Doll Hair...Your assurance of quality doll hair.

40 New Colors of Flocking For Dolls 

We Blend KatSilk® Saran Doll Hair colors for you at no extra charge.

New: Doll Paints Match for you and Brushes!

New: KatSilk® Saran Doll Hair in XL Format Saran Doll Hair (30 inches long)

New: KatSilk ® KatScrub Vinyl Doll Cleaner

More shipping options to serve you better
At RestoreDoll.com we take great customer service very serious. Every order is shipped within 24 hours of receipt. It takes more than just saying we ship within 24 hours to make it happen. This is exactly what our customers have come to expect from us. We ship large orders, small orders, custom blend orders and your order within 24 hours. We know that when you have paid your money, you expect service from us and that is what we deliver. We also treat special requests like a favor for a friend, not an inconvenience. We know that our business depends on having great customers like you.

At RestoreDoll.com we have a great selection of doll restoration products. We listen to what you wante and constantly add new products to help you with doll restoration and customizing. Whether it is our KatSilk® Doll hair in over 180 colors plus custom blends, our KatSilk® Doll Paints in over 60 shades of exact matches to vintage dolls ( with 40 more coming), our KatSilk® Flocking in over 40 colors or any of our other award winning products our goal is to give you great selection in doll products.

At RestoreDoll.com our goal is to deliver our products at the very best price possible. Our automated equipment investment will allow to achieve greater and greater levels of efficiency to constantly deliver our products at better and better prices.

At RestoreDoll.com our goal is to deliver great customer service with fabulous product selection at the most modest price to you possible.

RestoreDoll.com is standing by to help you with all your doll restoration needs!
Tyler, Kitty, Sydney, Matt O'neil is a registered trademark of the Tonner Doll Company, Inc.

Liddle Kiddles, Barbie, Ken, Skipper, Midge, Teresa, etc are registered trademarks of Mattel, Inc.

I am not a representative or an employee of Mattel, Inc. or affiliated with Mattel, Inc. in any way.

The word Barbie is used without authorization and is for reference purposes only.

KatSilk® is a registered trademark of RestoreDoll.com.

A Gray Agency Inc. company.
Copyright 2009 RestoreDoll.com: Doll Hair. All Rights Reserved.

Quality Products and Services
for Doll Restoration