We have 180 Colors of KatSilk®Doll Hair, Doll Repair and Restoration Kits for vintage pink fashion dolls, barbie dolls, and friends.
We also have the Doll Hair Rerooting DVD to Reroot Doll Your Dolls, Joint Repair Kits, KatSilk®Doll Paint, and much more!
New Product: KatSilk® Nylatex Doll Hair skeins at a very attractive price of just $5.00.
New Product: KatSilk® Nylon Doll Hair!!!
KatSilk® Nylon Doll Hair is just $2.25 per skein
Original KatSilk® Saran®Doll Hair like your Doll orginally came with
Always insist on Genuine KatSilk® Brand Doll Hair...Your assurance of quality doll hair.
40 New Colors of Flocking For Dolls
We Blend KatSilk® Saran Doll Hair colors for you at no extra charge.
New: Doll Paints Match for you and Brushes!
New: KatSilk® Saran Doll Hair in XL Format Saran Doll Hair (30 inches long)
New: KatSilk ® KatScrub Vinyl Doll Cleaner
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