How do I replace eyelashes on my vinyl
doll ?
The eyelashes are made with the same KatSilk saran hair as you use for the head. The colors used are black, or brown or go wild and use titian. You start from inside the head through the neck and go out and knot the inside . You do not trim the lashes until you are done. I use clear mascara or hair gel on them to make them stay where I want. I am sure that hair gel would work the same but I like the brush that comes with the mascara.
How do you set a part on the dolls hair?
Here are the directions on how to set a part in your dolls hair
I start by seeing what kind of part the doll has. There are 2 types of parts,
One is a single line part where the hair is divided down the middle of the Strands. I use a doll needle to find the middle of the line and divide half on
One side and half on the other. The other type of part is the double line part. On this type you would take a strand from one side and then a strand from the other and alternate them back and forth. There are bangs done both ways
Also. I use several clippies to keep the hair separated. Once I separate the hair strands I then move on to the bangs. These are done in the same way.
One line of bangs mean the hair must be divided down the middle of the strands and two lines will indicate that the strands must be crisscrossed. I set Parts before I curl the hair. I use a hand held steamer to set the part once I Have divided it how I want the hair to stay.
How do you style a Swirl Barbie?
Many restorations style the hair while it is still wet while others prefer it to be dry. I recommend practicing on a cheap doll to get the hang of it.
Gather the hair into a ponytail at the crown of the head. I use small rubber bands that are used for orthodontics.
Once the hair is pulled up and banded on top on the head, adjust by pulling gently on any hair that did not go in evenly.
In doing a swirl, leave the bangs portion forward as you see in the photograph. Using a very small amount of Dep, work the bang clock-wise around to the back of the head. When fastening, I prefer to go up a size on the small rubber band and secure it to the ponytail. Once it is secured you wrap the rest of the bangs around the ponytail leaving it loose. Take the small end of the bangs and tuck it under the wrap so that you are left with a length that reaches the end of the ponytail.
You are now ready to hard curl the end of the ponytail. Comb the ponytail smooth and apply a small amount of Dep. Put another rubber band around the hair as shown in the picture. Cut a piece of Saran wrap to cover the part to be hard curled. Wrap the hair with the saran wrap and curl up with a bobby pin. This can be secured with a rubber band. Separating the bobby pin and draw the rubber band across the hair does this.
Bring water to a boil. Pour the water into a small dish and place the curled ponytail in it approximately 15 minutes. I then set the doll on a clean white towel and let it dry. Take out the next day.
If you are not satisfied you can repeat these steps.